GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region


Welcome to Reception!

Your child’s first year at school is such an important and exciting time, as we lay the foundations for future learning.  In Robin Class, we focus on getting the children quickly settled in a happy, nurturing environment, supporting them to become curious, independent and confident individuals.

Our team aims to work closely with parents and caregivers to ensure that each child thrives.


The Early Years Foundation Stage is the statutory curriculum for children 0-5.  

The Early Years curriculum is based on seven areas of learning.

The Prime Areas:

Personal, social and emotional development

Physical development

Communication and language

The Specific Areas:



Understanding the world

Expressive arts and design

(New framework/Development Matters)


Characteristics of Effective Learning

As well as teaching the children knowledge, we also aim to help them develop different skills and learning behaviours. This document will give you more information about that.

(Characteristics of Effective Learning)


Learning Focus by Term

Our aim is to motivate the children to learn by following their interests, sparking their curiosity and offering them fresh challenges.

(Medium Term Plan links here)


Home / School Communication

We value contributions from parents and carers.  We ask that ‘My child can …' forms be completed at the beginning of the year to inform their Learning Journals.  These can be sent in throughout the year as regularly as you like.

(My child can … form)

We also ask that parents and carers send in ‘Wow cards’ to school.  When you feel your child has achieved something of particular significance to them at home, please let us know using these cards.  The children love sharing these with the class, developing their confidence and sense of self, as well as practising key oracy skills.

(Wow cards)



Robin Class have a half-termly Newsletter to help keep you informed. Please see below.


Class Dojo – Reward System

Here you will be notified of reward points your child receives throughout the week – working hard, helping others, etc.  We will also communicate class-messages using the Class Dojo system.  Parents will be invited to sign-up at the beginning of the school year.


If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us or email us using the address below.

We look forward to working in partnership with you.

Ms Buckley and Mrs Matthews


WellComm Presentation to Parents 2025

Spring 1 Newsletter 2025 Reception




Handwriting Mnemonics

The Vale Primary Handwriting –
RWI letter order - mnemonics  

This works best if your child practises for a short time every day.

1. Show the picture side and air-write as you say the phrase.

2. Ask your child to practise in the air with you.

3. Using a sharp pencil and sat at a table, encourage your child to have a go.

4. Praise your child for their efforts.

Please see the link Handwriting-Mnemonics.pdf

YR Online Resources

Listed below are a selection of online resources that you may wish to access from home:



Mathletics: Online mathematics resource

Children’s log ins are at the back of their Reading Record.

Top Marks: Online games (including Maths)

Early Years Section

Numberblocks: Maths resources

Nrich: Maths games and activities

Maths Mastery: Maths learning packs

Click on Early Years and KS1-2 resources for resource packs

Maths with Parents: Support with Maths

The Body Coach (Joe Wicks Kids workouts): Movement break ideas

Phonics - Read Write Inc


In Early Years and Key Stage 1, we follow the Read Write Inc scheme to teach phonics. More information can be found on the Ruth Miskin website: Parents - Ruth Miskin Phonics Training

Letter to Parents pdf

Below is a useful document RWI Parent FAQs which covers all of the following information:

Where else can I find information?


How can I support my child’s reading and writing?   

What will my child bring home to read?

How can I support my child to learn Set 1 sounds and to blend?

How can I support my child to learn Set 2 or 3 sounds?

How do I listen to my child read?

What do I do with the picture books?

How can I help my child to practise their handwriting?

How can I help my child to spell words?

How else can I develop my child’s language?

What resources can I buy to support my child’s reading and writing at home?









